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Essential Cat Vaccinations

Essential Cat Vaccinations

Thanks to advances in pet health care and vaccinations, cats are able to live long, healthy lives these days. Even though there is not a vaccine available for every infectious disease a cat may come across, there are effective vaccines available for the most common infections of cats.
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Can Cats Drink Milk?

Can Cats Drink Milk?

Most cats love to drink milk, right? If you are a cat owner, you may have even experienced your cat lapping up leftover milk out of your cereal bowl at some point.
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Cat sleeping

How Much Do Cats Sleep?

You already know how much cats love their beauty rest—so much that it sometimes seems like they sleep all day.

How much do they actually sleep? Why do they sleep so much? Do they dream about birds and mice?
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Average Cat Lifespan

What's The Average Cat Lifespan?

If you have a cat, there is a good chance you will have a companion for quite a long time. Though they do not live as long as many pet birds, they do typically live longer than dogs.
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Girl introducing her new cat into her home

How to Introduce a New Cat into Your Home

Now that you’re getting a new kitty, you need to get your cat acclaimed to you, your home, and your family.

Let’s look at how to do this in the least stressful way for all parties. We’ll also dive into a number of methods for introducing the new cat to an existing cat family member.

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Cat not drinking water

Cat Not Drinking Water? You should try this...

Updated: March 30th, 2020. Water is very important for cats, just like it is for humans and every other living creature. Did you know that 1 in 3 cats develop kidney problems in their lifetime?  It’s very important to keep...

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Cat Years to Human Years

Cat Years to Human Years in Detail

Updated: April 1st, 2020. Have you ever wondered how old your cat is compared to human years? Cats age way faster than humans, even though they may still look young, they tend to age pretty quickly. Depending on if your cat lives...

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Senior Cat

Senior Cats Part 1: Physical & Mental Changes

In the first of a two-part blog series on seniors, we’ll look at the changes that happen to their bodies and minds as they age. I'm going to cover the tiny things you can do to help them enjoy their golden years, and remain as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
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Long haired cat

Top 10 Long-Haired Cat Breeds

Long-haired cats are extremely elegant. Their fluffy fur is magical, like a real-life plush. There are many types of long-haired cat breeds, and we wanted to create a list showing you our top 10 favorites—in no particular order—🏆 Keep reading...

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